Saturday, February 27, 2010

19.4 Lbs. gone!

"To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done".

I've been using this quote and several others to keep me motivated over the last 6 weeks. "Being overweight is hard and so is losing weigh...choose your hard"

IT'S WORKING! At my weigh in today, I lost another 2.8 lbs for a total of 19.4 in 6 weeks. I'm happy with the results. It's so nice to put on your jeans fresh from the dryer and have them be loose.

I owe much of my recent success to my walking buddy Missy. We walk the track at the elementary school and 1.5 hours flies by when chatting with a buddy. My weight watcher leader spoke about "visual reminders" a few weeks back. She keeps an engraved pewter token in her change purse that her friend gave her when she reached her lifetime goal. She says everytime she sees that token it not only reminds her of her dear friend but also the goal she worked so hard for.

When I walk the track at the school, I pick up an acorn after every lap and put it in my pocket. When I get home, I count out the acorns and then put them in my wine carafe (not much wine drinking these days). I leave it on the counter in the kitchen to serve as my visual reminder of the laps I have walked to earn these tiny acorns. "From tiny acorns mighty oaks do grow".

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