Saturday, February 27, 2010

19.4 Lbs. gone!

"To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done".

I've been using this quote and several others to keep me motivated over the last 6 weeks. "Being overweight is hard and so is losing weigh...choose your hard"

IT'S WORKING! At my weigh in today, I lost another 2.8 lbs for a total of 19.4 in 6 weeks. I'm happy with the results. It's so nice to put on your jeans fresh from the dryer and have them be loose.

I owe much of my recent success to my walking buddy Missy. We walk the track at the elementary school and 1.5 hours flies by when chatting with a buddy. My weight watcher leader spoke about "visual reminders" a few weeks back. She keeps an engraved pewter token in her change purse that her friend gave her when she reached her lifetime goal. She says everytime she sees that token it not only reminds her of her dear friend but also the goal she worked so hard for.

When I walk the track at the school, I pick up an acorn after every lap and put it in my pocket. When I get home, I count out the acorns and then put them in my wine carafe (not much wine drinking these days). I leave it on the counter in the kitchen to serve as my visual reminder of the laps I have walked to earn these tiny acorns. "From tiny acorns mighty oaks do grow".

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Los Angeles

This was my week to go to the Home office in Los Angeles. It was a crazy and fast paced week but also lots of fun. On Tuesday night we went to The Lobster restaraunt on the Santa Monica pier. Lorenzo Lamas was at the next table! It was a great lobster meal and a great view of the Ocean, even if it was dark.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

On a mission...

I've always struggled with weight, tried every diet under the sun. I've joined Weight Watchers (again) and have set goals for myself.

With the gift card from my Boss, I bought the bodybugg (as seen on The Biggest Loser). You wear this hi-tech contraption on your left arm and it keeps track of calories burned, steps and your nutrition if you enter your food into the daily tracker. So far I'm down 10.6 lbs :) It's my first week and I really stuck to my points, wrote everything down and exercised at least 3 times per week. Yay ME!!!!

I have a friend in the hood that is walking with me (waving at you Missy) and it really helps to have someone to walk with. I have a short term goal to reach by Monday Feb. 1st and I'm on track. Wish me luck!

Monday, January 18, 2010



My awesome boss sent me a margarita machine for Christmas and it makes great smoothies too. This has become our nightly treat.
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to my newly created blog!

My niece Emily has been so good about updating her blog and I enjoy surfing the web for other crafty and quilting sites that I thought it time I start my own.

I hope this will be a place to not only connect with family and friends, but also a place to share my latest creations. I'm a quilter first and foremost, but I also enjoy home dec sewing, totes, aprons and I've got a decent scrapbooking paper/tool collection too. I'm trying to hold out and NOT get into the cricut craze.

Well I'm still learning how this all works but stay tuned!